Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanks to those good people out there!
It was wonderful to get out of the city for a little while and take in some great big waves and a few foreign films.
While waiting on line for one of the films, someone in our group befriended a local guy named Cristian who became our buddy for the next few days. An artist, Cristian’s first gallery show had just opened and he took us after hours and showed us his work. For months I had been on the market to buy a small original piece of art for my professor Alice Benston who lost her husband George this past year. Alice, one of my favorite people in the world, and her husband were together great supporters of arts of all kinds and their home is nothing less than a museum. I told Cristian the story of Alice and George and asked what he’d charge for a small painting. He liked the story so much that he insisted on making something original with her in mind! The next night we met up again and he brought me a finished black and white ink painting for Alice.
As many of you know, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! I love the idea of getting together to actively give thanks. For me it often offers something of a New Year which I use to appreciate what I have rather than think about all the things I’d like to change. I decided months ago that I wanted to share Thanksgiving with all my international friends. With tons of help from Pablo, Laura, and others, a great feast came together! We had over 15 guests and A LOT of food. Though a turkey could not be obtained, we made some delicious chickens with apple pecan stuffing and real gravy. Others brought killer pumpkin pies, sweet potatoes, salads, desserts, homemade sangria… we had a mix of friends, students, friends of friends, Americans, Argentines, Bolivians, Kiwis, Germans, French… I think everyone really enjoyed it. I know I did. Still I’m really looking forward to an Thanksgiving with the Mindess/Sugarman clans next year :)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Polo & Pride
With my dear friend Eliana on Halloween. We sewed ourselves into sheets from 11pm-2am and then hit the party! Typical Buenos Aires.
Following the departure of my sis, my life has been more or less consumed by the election. Obama’s Latin American Field Organizer chose
I realize that I’m not going to say anything new about this election, but I will just say this: I hope everyone can enjoy the moment. Even if you didn’t vote for him, perhaps you can take this opportunity to put your disagreements aside and relish in the hope this choice represents. We have broken down a giant symbolic barrier that has stood in front of US citizens as well as so many citizens of the planet Earth. This president was chosen by the people. If the biggest political machine always wins, then Hillary Clinton would have been fighting this race against McCain. But the young voters in our country said, “No, you’re not just going to chose for us ahead of time. We won’t accept that this is a lock. We want to offer a different choice and we won’t be lazy about convincing you all of its validity.” We worked hard, and it worked! Think of the message that sends. That massive movement actually worked—democracy can work. I’m not naïve (ok well maybe I’m a bit naïve…) I do realize Obama has a giant mess to clean up and will never be able to do everything on his agenda. But I believe sincerely that there are a range of policies that can work, and the best we can do is chose someone with our basic values, a nuanced intelligence, depth of thought, perseverance, and a level head. Someone who does not buckle under pressure, and makes measured decisions. Someone who communicates and has the capacity to repair the decimated international relationships left behind by the last administration. For me, the monumental significance of electing a black man holds weight because the aforementioned qualities also make him the best man for the job. His election doesn’t say, “we’ve taken affirmative action to the highest office in the land” but rather, “we aren’t afraid to acknowledge the capabilities of all citizens of our great nation, and we won’t squander the best based on institutionalized prejudices and fear.” So whatever your political bent, I hope you can take some pleasure this moment in history, because it is a hopeful moment. (Most of) the rest of the world certainly sees it that way. And though it may or may not fix our economy, it is in many other vital senses--I’ll even venture to say farther-reaching ones--a restorative moment.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A Quick, and very Argentine, Anecdote
Last night I went to a birthday party at a bar. This bar, like every other, has a "happy hour." If you arrive at a certain time you can get drink deals, like 2 of the same beer for the price of 1. We all ordered our first beers, but when the waitress came back and handed me the wrong one. I said, "Oh, I actually ordered a Warsteiner, not a Budweiser." She actually looked apologetic and ready to take it away and bring back the correct one, but I noticed that the bottle was already opened and would be wasted. I said, "Oh, you know what, it's ok. I don't mind drinking that one since it's opened." She smiled and thanked me. When the time came to order the second round, I said, "Warsteiner please." And she replied, "Oh no, you can only get 2 of the same kind of beer."
"Well," I explained, "Remember I had order a Warsteiner to begin with and you brought me a Budweiser by mistake? Well now I'd like to switch to the one I wanted."
"No, I'm sorry I can't do that. You have to stick to the same kind or I can't give you one for free." And with that she trotted off and brought me back an opened Budweiser.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
... let us begin with Miriam. I met Miriam (a fellow American) on my birthright trip to Israel in January. I invited to her to come visit me when I moved to Buenos Aires, and she actually did! For that Miriam wins lots of points. She came to BsAs for a few days, and then we spent 10 traveling in Peru (I stayed another 3 after she left). Mimo n' Me in Israel
We took separate flights from Buenos Aires to Lima, planned to meet in the airport, stay over in Lima, and then fly to the city of Cusco early in the morning. In my last blog I mentioned the website CouchSurfing, which can be used to find free places to stay anywhere in the world. Thinking we needed to spend the night in Lima, I contacted "Ulises" on this site and asked if we could crash. Not only did he say yes, but he also told me to send him our flight info and he would pick us up at the airport. In my usual fashion, I didn't really think through the reality of the situation: 1) Miriam and I were on 2 different flights. Mine got in at 9pm and hers at 11. 2) Our flight to Cusco left at 6 am, meaning we had to be back at the airport at 4, so there was actually no point in leaving the airport at all. None of this crossed my mind when I sent Ulises a quick email saying we were arriving at 9, and a ride would be great! Also true to my usual form, I sent him the WRONG itinerary. The flight info he received didn't even correspond with the date or the destination cities I had cited to him. It wasn't until Miriam and I arrived at the airport in BsAs the it occurred to me just how poorly I had communicated with this poor man. But it was too late. I convinced myself that he would look at the non-sensical itinerary I sent and conclude that there was no way to find us, assume we would find a hotel, and go about his life as usual. So imagine my surprise when I'm waiting for Miriam (now it's almost 12) in Lima and I get a tap on the shoulder. "Danielle?" I look up to see a smiling Peruvian man and and young woman. Baffled, I asked how they found me. As it turned out, Ulises did not give up as easily as I had assumed (and hoped). They had initially come to the airport at 9, like I had said, looking for a girl resembling the photos of myself I had posted on the website. No luck. They then left and came back to greet the next flight coming from Buenos Aires, at which time they finally spotted me waiting with my giant hikers pack. Stunned at their tremendous effort we thanked them profusely and suggested we all hang out for a bit in the airport (since at this point it was midnight and there was no point at all in going back to his house to sleep before flight #2). Ulises and his friend, an Israeli girl, agreed, smiles still plastered on their kind faces. Never once did they seem the slightest bit perturbed by the evening's events.
My level of planning around our night in Lima was about par for the course for the rest of the trip. We pretty much arrived having no idea where we were going or what we were doing. As it turns out, when you only have 10 days to travel in a very large and fairly disorganized country, planning really makes a lot of sense. All we knew was that we were going to start out in Cusco and from there, make our way to Machu Picchu. We learned the hard way that just hopping over to Machu Picchu isn't as easy as it sounds. Because of this, we ended up spending 3 days in Cusco and many many hours in internet cafes trying to determine a way out. Cusco was a tough city for me. It's lovely, but very very, I mean very, touristy. There is this bizarre feeling of "us" and "them" between tourists and locals. Mostly I just felt like people were trying to take as much money from me as possible and nothing much more. At the same time, many of the tourists were rude and demanding to the locals, and I can understand why, over time, neither group would have much respect for the other. The whole thing just felt so ugly. It certainly felt like a whole different world after the warm welcome I received Buenos Aires.
Among the 1st on the top of Hyuana Picchu that morning. In the clouds!
Machu Picchu up close.
More MP.
A highlight of our time with Cusco was meeting up with T Brian Green and Lindsey!! (Two of my great friends from Atlanta). We coordinated our Peru trips to overlap a bit and we got to enjoy a dinner and a breakfast together. After 5 months away, it was AWESOME to see them.
With Mimo, Lindsey and Brian in Cusco.
Finally we did make it to Machu Picchu, which is of course spectacular, but also absolutely jam packed with people. It's a little tough to feel serene there for even one moment. Thankfully, we got a superb tip from one Jed Holtzman who recommended a hike which seems to be largely undiscovered. It's hard to imagine why; it's a gorgeous climb through Peruvian cloud forest, and at the end you get a perfect view of Machu Picchu. This was one of the best things we did for sure! (Pics below)
Climbing Putucusi. That's vertical.
Machu Picchu from the top of Putucusi. Not bad, eh?
Having only a few days left before Miriam's flight out of Lima, we decided to stop in the city of Ica for a few days on our way back to Lima. There's really nothing to do in Ica, but we read that there is a small lagoon-side "resort" nearby which acts as a hub for the region's 2 main tourist attractions--wineries and giant dunes. As it turns out, the lagoon is basically a pond, and the resort a conglomeration of a few hostels and touristy restaurants. I'm realizing as I write this that I'm doing an awful lot of complaining. The truth is that all along, Miriam and I were really have a lot of fun. I just want to make that clear. Anyway, in Huacachina (lagoonville), we booked a day of winery tours, and a day of "sandboarding." First the wine tour. We got a personal driver, Walter (pronounced Wal-tehrrr) to take us from one "bodega" to another. There we got little tours of the facilities and wine tastings. At our second bodega our guide Jesus gave our whole tour in English, using impressively technical terminology. He would end every section by robotically asking, "Any questions?" Luckily we didn't have too many, because as it turned out Jesus had a memorized script and outside of that you couldn't really call him an English speaker. If we said, "Yes, I have a question. How many days do the grapes have to ferment?", Sweet Jesus would look at us blankly like, "Do you really expect me to understand what you're saying? You're speaking to me in a foreign language!" After that second tour Jesus and Walter invited us out with them. Now off the clock, Walter drove the three of us all around town. They brought us to a 3rd winery, a restaurant, and the same bar 3 times (we kept trying to go somewhere else, but finally realized that elsewhere didn't exist).
Doing some hardcore paddle-boating on la laguna.
Walter, Mimo and Jesus at the after hours wine tasting.
The second day in Huacachina we went sandboarding in the "dunes." These dunes are literally mountains made of sand. They are HUGE. Sandboarding is basically snowboarding on sand. To get to up to the top you have 2 choices, climb the dunes yourself or take a dune buggy. (Below is a photo of the buggies). You get in these buggies with 8 or so people and the drivers do their very best to scare the shit out of you. It is sincerely terrifying. They go flying over the tops of these mountains and you really almost go flying out of your seat. I was scared beyond belief. Miriam was scared beyond her body's ability to function. When we got off after the first round, she could no longer move her hands or face. Her mouth was a permanent O shape and her hands looked like lobster claws for about 20 minutes. I wanted to be a good sympathetic friend, but instead I laughed so uncontrollably I could barely stand. I also dubbed her Leonardo. If you get that reference, great, if not, I'm not so un-PC as to spell it out :) Below is a photo for your enjoyment. After the day of duning our buggy driver, also named Jesus, invited us all to go out together. We went to the same bar we had been to 3 times the night before with Walter and Jesus 1. I had an interesting conversation with Jesus 2 about his perception of the tourism in Peru. He told me that he thinks the tourists come from more advanced societies and the locals ought to try to learn from them. That's why he invites his groups to go out--so that he can talk with folks and try to learn something. I wasn't sure what to think of that, but there you have it. In reality, it wasn't much of a cultural exchange at all since I was the only one who could speak to him. Nobody else spoke Spanish, so they sat at the other end of the table speaking English amongst themselves and basically ignoring him and his Peruvian friend completely.
Miriam Leonardo.
The dunes.
At sunset. Pretty spectacular.
After spending a day together in Lima, Mimo and I parted ways-- she was to catch a flight to the states the next day, and I headed off to spend my last 3 days in the city of Huaraz. Huaraz is mas tranquilo. Surrounded on all sides by snow capped mountains, it's a haven for climbers and trekkers. The second day I went on a day hike. For the 1st half it seemed moderately challenging and I was enjoying myself, but about halfway up I realized that I was not acclimatized at all. I have never had so much trouble with a physical activity in my life. By the time we got to the absolutely stunning emerald green lake at the top, I really felt unable to take one more step. When I got back to the hostel that evening I literally couldn't move. The next day I felt more or less recovered and spent half a day doing some rock climbing (not nearly high enough to cause altitude problems). Cusco is actually at a higher altitude than Huaraz, and when Miriam and I arrived, we could barely climb the stairs in our hostel. One night we each had a glass and a half of wine at dinner and returned to our room falling over ourselves. We stayed up for a while running around giggling and taking pictures of ourselves. Altitude=cheap nights. (Photo included below)
Altitude + a glass of wine= this photo.
I was probably pretty miserable at the point when I snapped this photograph.
But the payoff was pretty good! (It was actually more green than this photo would suggest)
After Huaraz I made my way back to Lima, and back to BsAs. And there you have the condensed, abbreviated, Reader's Digest version of my 2 weeks in Peru.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Farms, Friends and Cabbies
On the language front, I finally feel like I've made some real progress. I can speak more fluidly and understand a least some of what people say back to me! I love speaking; I feel like I'm communicating in a secret code! That said, I feel like I've only tapped the iceberg. I can't imagine how people really master another language! It would take me years here to be fluent. (Don't worry Mom, I won't hold out for that).
I've started volunteering once a week "teaching English" to little kids in a very poor neighborhood. Really we just play with them and teach them a few words here and there. These kids are divine! They are so well behaved and lovey! They also seriously appreciate the time with us. On top of that, speaking to them in Spanish is a real ego boost because they always understand me and I (almost always) understand them! I have even asked a few of them if I have a funny accent, and they've all said, "No. What do you mean?" Some of them really want to learn English and spend the whole afternoon asking me to translate one word after another. Last week a couple of girls got stuck on the "animal" category and I spent to two hours translating, "pig, chicken, dog, cat, cow, bird, fish, turtle, hippo, snail, horse, lamb, sheep, snail, hen chick wormcatepillarfrogalligator...
Antoniette left a few weeks ago, so that's been a big change. I miss you, Anto! We had a wonderful send off that included mounds of fondue and a late night taxi hunt for ice cream.
And Maria's pregnant!
Two weekends ago I went with my students Sofia and Mariano to Sofia's farm house. It was delightful to get out of the city, play with her puppies (Rita was my favorite, we even napped together), and breath some real Aire Bueno. Her dad was staying at a nearby house with his girlfriend, so we went over there to eat 2 big bbqs. I some ate meat. Shhhhh. This stuff was well worth it! We stayed there until the wee hours of the night stuffing ourselves, chatting and drinking wine. Lots of it. Then we went back to Sofia's other farm and danced. Can you think of anything better?? Her dad is such a trip! He's this super charismatic 60-something year old man who seemed to see no problem in graphically describing his first encounter with a prostitute to his daughter, her friends, and his (young) girlfriend. And actually nobody seemed remotely embarrassed by it. I must admit (from what I understood in Spanish), it was pretty hilarious.
That is my personal experience of "el campo." Politically, the campo has been quite a contentious issue around here. The very abridged version of the story: The president, technically Cristina Kirchner, but really her husband, former Pres Nestor Kirchner, decided to tax the farms out the wazoo on exports. They claim to need the money to do good things for the country, and to keep more food within Argentina. However, most people think they are full of shit and are lining their pockets heavily. The farmers in the campo are very wealthy. It's not like we think of farmers in the US. They live most of the time in the ritzy parts of BsAs, and keep giant farms, like the one I went to, out in the country. The nation's wealth lies in the farms. So even though Los Kirchner are certainly power hungry scumbags, the campo isn't all that sympathetic because they're ... well, really rich. For awhile the farmers were protesting by cutting off roads that carry food to the city and it was a big mess. Last Wednesday, the Senate voted on the tax. On Tuesday there were 2 giant protests, one for the campo, which boasted 250,000 people, as well as a much smaller counter-protest staged by the government. The government actually hires people to protest for them. Then on Wednesday, the voting was on... and the Senate split right down the middle! Just like in the US system, the Vice President breaks the tie. The Kirchners chose their VP, a man named Julio Kobos, precisely because nobody knew who he was, and nobody cared. He was expected to do whatever they wanted and keep a low profile. But on Wednesday, Kobos got his big moment. The footage of his decision is incredible. He deliberated until about 4am, and then delivered his speech in a cracking voice, sweat pouring down, "I'm voting NO." And so no-name-nothing-nobody former of governor of Mendoza, Julio Cobos, cast his vote against the government and made history. Many rejoiced, some called him Judas. All agree it was a pretty strategic move on his part, as the Kirchner ship appears to be sinking fast.
Ever heard of couchsurfing? It's a website and a travel phenomenon! You can put a profile up and then people can request to stay with you if they're going to be in your city... and obviously vice versa. They have all kinds of security measures in place in order to at least attempt to ensure that you don't end up with a nutso on your couch. Last week, a guy from New Zealand emailed me to see if he could stay here this past weekend. Laura (my roommate) and I said, "sure c'mon," and he did. It was great! Will arrived Friday night after 40 hours of traveling, and I had plans to go see a play by blind actors with a friend of mine. He seemed game to come along despite incredible jet lag, so his very first experience of Buenos Aires entailed getting led into a pitch black room (I mean pitch black. I've never experienced darkness like this. It would never pass fire codes in the US), and "hearing, feeling and smelling" a play. In Spanish of course. Which he does not speak. Afterwards we went out with my roommate and a new/old friend of my from Ecuador, David. I call David my new/old friend because we met about 2 months ago and have been playing phone tag ever since. We live one block away from each other but have failed to meet up for a second time until friday. So the 4 of us went out dancing and we really had a blast. I got my groove on, as you might imagine. And my new New Zealandic buddy was a real trooper, given that he had just been through 40 hours of travel and 2 hours of pitch darkness. It's great because Will is planning to live in BsAs for a while, so I've made a new, more permanent friend!
I just got a new student, Ramon, a taxi driver. While riding in his cab last week, we got to chatting and Ramon told me that he'd like to take English classes. We started on Saturday, and it was super great! He's a very nice man, and a fast learner! This is the 2nd time a "taxista" has asked for lessons, but the other, Carlos never called me. But the Carlos story is a pretty great one. I took his cab one day, we chatted, he wanted lessons, I gave him my number, but he never called. About 3 weeks later I flagged down another cab during the day (which I never ever do) and it was Carlos again!!! He told me that there are 40,000 cabs in BsAs! I got the same one twice! He told me he would definitely call this time, but he never did. Then I met Ramon, who apparently has better follow through, and I got a cabbie student after all! Leandro thinks I should start a niche operation teaching English to taxistas. He even offered to serve as my business manager.
Next weekend Miriam comes to visit and we go to PERU!!!!! Stayed tuned...
Just some random assorted pics:
Belgian Tonio and Colombian Natalia
Pablo and Nina. Despite all the times she's scratched him to bits, he's still in love. Anto, Maria, and Augustin. (Baby Maria/Augustin isn't cooking yet!)
What I think I've Learned About Argentina:
- If you ask someone for directions, not wanting to let you down by telling you they don't know where the place is, they just kind of make something up. On many occasions I've walked in circles following the suspiciously varied instructions of "helpful" folks on the street.
- Prices here are soaring!! SOARING. Food has gone up significantly in the last 4 months. Also rent! Watching Pablo and my new friend Will look for places to live, I've realized how incredibly lucky I am to be in this place!!
- Argentines tend to be very open about private matters. Strangers will tell ya prettttty personal stuff if you just say, "hey, how are you doing?"
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
About a month ago I began "pre-yoga" classes for a form called SwaSthya. For those of you who have some concept of yoga, I guarantee you aren't imagining SwaSthya. A Brazilian Yogi developed this style, the DeRose Method, in the 60s or 70s, based completely from ancient Yoga. SwaSthya has a performative aspect, practitioners develop a "choreografia" which they perfect over a long period of time. It looks like a slow, athletic, yogic dance. If you're interested, you can youtube SwaSthya Yoga and find lots of examples. Buenos Aires has five or so DeRose "sedes", but all more or less exist as one entity I think. Young people pretty much run the whole operation, and they run it quite well. The director of my Sede, Sol, is in her early 30s. She treats me like I'm already a member of the DeRose family. The place is gorgeous and connects to a delicious vegetarian health food restaurant which offers some of the best food I've had in Buenos Aires. The first time I came to class, I brought along my trusty yoga mat, but I didn't need it. The floor of the practice room is entirely padded so you can move about freely. Classes are always kept intimate, maybe 7 students when it's packed, but 4 on an average day. Each student basically sticks with one teacher who leads him/her through the various steps of pre-yoga and SwaSthya. My teacher, Mariana, an excited 21-year-old newbie has tons of energy to devote to my Yogic development. Between the two of us, she certainly seems the more invested in my ascent through the SwaSthya process. Everyday after class students stick around to have a delicious hot spicy chai and chat a bit before going on with their respective days. It's quite a "buena onda" (good vibe), the whole thing.
I bring this up now because last night I witnessed a very special SwaSthya tradition, a Sat Chakra (or something like that). On Monday, Mariana asked me if I would come to this thing, and I said, "no sorry, I have a class." She proceeded to tell me, "OH NO! This is a once a year event. You really should try to come! Cancel your class! it's incredible!!" So I said to myself, "Self, this is a once a year event! It's incredible! And if I don't go on Wednesday I might miss my only chance! You must be freed from class!" So I called up my student to see if we could reschedule Wednesday night's appointment. She said no problem, so Wednesday afternoon after my usual pre-yoga class I announced to Marina that I would make it after all. She looked at me a bit askew and explained, (this is a loose translation), "Wellllll, this is really only for advanced SwaSthya students (I have not yet graduated to SwaSthya)." Let me just stop for a moment and note this perfect example of Argenine-ism. Monday she tells me I HAVE to go, and Wednesday she's telling me that, actually, I can't really go. So I said, "but I canceled a class to come." "Ok then, great, come on. Stick with me and I'll make sure you know what's going on," Mariana told me.
So last night as I headed out the door and my roommate inquired as to where I was going, I answered, "I haven't the first clue." I showed up at the Sede to find oodles and oodles of young, exceedingly friendly (mostly beautiful) Argentines. I still had no idea what we were doing there. I saw Marina, but she just gave me the customary kiss on the cheek and went about her preparations with the other instructors. I followed the crowd piling into yoga studio where everyone else seemed to know to sit encircling a blanket covered with flowers, candles, fruit and brownies. I looked around the circle for Marina, who had promised to keep me under her watch, but she seemed completely occupied. Just as I'd accepted that I'd have to fend for myself, Will, an American from Chicago grabbed my hand and pulled me down next to him. Will and I had met on a few occasions between classes. At some point while traveling in Buenos Aires he discovered, and subsequently fell in love with, SwaSthya, and is currently studying to be an instructor. He looks like an American basketball player--not a dude you'd take for a yogi. "Yo!" he said as he pulled me over to sit next to him. "Dude, this shit is ca-razzzzy, right! Don't worry, you stick with me, I'll show you what to do! I'm psyched to show this shit to another American. When I first went to one of these things I was like, YO, this would never happen in the states! All this hippy dippy shit! HaHA! But man, here it's dope! Don't worry girl, I got cho back! Just follow me." And with that, "the dope shit" commenced. The SwaSthya Maestro of Argentina led the ceremony which involved clapping and chanting in Hindi or Sanskrit...or something...come to think of it, I don't know which. Now and then Will would elbow me, beam a huge smile and shake his head as if to say, "yeah I know, right!" After the clapping and chanting, we did some sort of energy/meditation circle, then everyone dug on into the fruit and sweets and we watched a couple of choreografias. These people can certainly move beautifully!
And so, in the end, I have no regrets about rescheduling my class! The Sat Chakra (?), whatever it was, was CA-RAZZZZY!
- People live with their families until they are 27, 28, 29...35 years old! A lot of people just live in their parents' house until they get married. I suppose this is the reason why there's lots of smoochin' in the streets!
- Apparently the Argentine solution to "decaf" coffee is to serve a mixture of hot water and milk with a hint of coffee flavoring.
- Human labor is very very cheap here. Anyone with any money has a maid. Many of these maids live with the family, and they actually dress is maids' uniforms--a collared black dress with stockings and a smock! More than one of my students has one. In these homes, the maid is the one to let me into the house when I arrive, and then she attends to the needs of my student and myself, bringing us drinks or a snack or whatever. Very strange for me indeed!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
A Friendly Face Arrives!
Scott came to
The Madres march, the banners says "distribution of the wealth already!"
Luverly Tigre
Goldstein enjoys his first mate
Anto and The Sundae!!!
So now I can say I’ve been to
So that pretty much brings us up to date.
1. Whenever someone writes you a text message, it must include all kinds of useless verbage such as, “Hola Danielle! (Hello Danielle!)
2. Along those same lines, people really like to thank each other. For example, if I walk into a store and promptly leave again, I will say, “Ciao, gracias.” The clerk will probably then respond, “Nooooo, por favor! Gracias a vosssss! Muy amable! Hasta luego!” Which approximately translates to, “Noooo! Thank yooooouuuuu! You’re very nice! See you later!” Keep in mind that I’ve done nothing but walk in, and then promptly out, of the store.
3. During the economic crash of 2000, most Argentines had the rug thoroughly ripped out from under them. As a result, there seems to be a constant awareness of instability. I think this is the reason for the incessant discussion of politics, the prevalence of protests, and maybe even the abundance of psychologists.
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Next Phase
Before I left Casa
The team + Feli
Over here, Maria!
Pies de futbol
I’m working on cooking. (Though today I burnt the *&%$ out of some stew).
I’m taking yoga classes. Finally!
What I Think I’ve Learned About
-There are more psychologists per capita in
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Oh, I can add photos!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A Moment's Just A Moment
Things are falling into place.
A few days ago my English student, Leandro, informed me that he had 3 new pupils for me. During our class, identical twin brothers suddenly showed up to meet me and schedule appointments. I hadn’t realized that Leandro literally meant he had them in the flesh. After our lesson he brought me to the office of his friend, Mariano, who told me he wants conversation classes. When I arrived at Mariano’s office he was in the midst of a meeting with
I walked towards the bus stop after our session glowing and humming and thinking about my tremendous good fortune. I arrived at a busy intersection. A man walking ahead of me started to cross the street, and I started with him but soon realized that the light was changing, so I moved back to the sidewalk. He didn’t. I watched this man get hit by a car going about 50 miles per hour. This image will be forever emblazoned in my memory. Standing only about 10 feet away, I shrieked and ran to get help but plenty of people had already seen what happened and rushed to him. I waited there for 20 minutes, and by the time I left, the police had him sitting up and talking. Finally I made my way home, shaking the whole bus ride.
Things can certainly change from one moment to the next.
As some of you may have read in the news,
Last week the Olympic torched passed through
I’m leaving Casa
Something I have learned here in Casa
Most of my roommates are from
1. Boys and girls here cannot be just friends. If you tell a man you want to be just his friend, he thinks you are engaging in an elaborate game. There is actually a word for women who play it: "histericas"
2. The public university, UBA, is completely free to anyone. You don't even have to be from Argentina. And you don't have to apply and get in, you can basically just go. And for most things it's the best school in the country. Students and alumni have a lot of UBA pride.
3. There is a "food" here called dulce de leche that ought to come to the US. It's really just sugary milk that ends up looking, feeling and tasting something like soft caramel. It's so obvious, I don't know why the rest of the world hasn't caught on. I'll bring some back.